
Ian Fletcher国际破产模拟法庭 天同赞助队伍再闯决赛圈|天同要闻

天同诉讼圈 天同诉讼圈 2022-03-20

Ian Fletcher国际破产模拟法庭是世界上第一项同时也是目前最具权威性的以破产法为主题的国际学术辩论赛。该项赛事由来自澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学的国际破产法界著名专家Rosalind Mason教授发起,并由国际破产协会(INSOL International)、国际破产学会(International Insolvency Institute)等机构共同主办,吸引了来自世界各地著名法学院在校大学生共同参与。

Since its inception initiated by Professor Rosalind Mason, the famous expert in the field of international bankruptcy law from Queensland University of Technology in Australia, Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Moot Court (“The Fletcher Moot”) has been the first in the world and so far the most authoritative international moot competition in the field of international insolvency law. The Fletcher Moot is hosted by the INSOL International, III (International Insolvency Institute), and participated by students from renowned law schools across the globe.

在教练中国政法大学副教授苏洁澈、上海政法学院副教授殷慧芬和中国政法大学讲师郭帅的指导下,和天同律师事务所合伙人池伟宏律师、天同破产团队许国庆律师、冷帅达律师的支持下,中国政法大学代表队继2018年晋级8强之后,2021年再次从36个参赛队伍(包含美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰、新加坡等)中脱颖而出,成功杀入Ian Fletcher第五届模拟法庭决赛圈,与来自世界各地知名大学的代表队同台竞技。最终,中国政法大学代表队惜败于本届冠亚军队伍,止步12强。

Under the guidance of coach Su Jieche, associate professor of China University of Political Science and Law, Yin Huifen, associate professor of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and Guo Shuai, lecturer of China University of Political Science and Law, also with the support of Chi Weihong, partner of TianTong Law Firm (“TianTong”) and associates Xu Guoqing, Leng Shuaida of Insolvency team, the Team from China University of Political Science and Law(“Team CUPL”), after being promoted to the top 8 in 2018, once again stood out from 36 participating teams(including US, England, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Singapore, etc.)and made it to the final oral round of The Fletcher Moot to compete with teams from renowned universities from all over the world in 2021. Unfortunately, Team CUPL stopped in the top 12 losing to the champion and runner-up teams by a narrow margin.

受疫情影响,本次竞赛全程围绕跨境破产问题进行线上讨论。辩论双方基于案件事实就诸如如何认定跨境破产中公司的“主要利益中心” “营业地” “择地诉讼” “公共政策”和“国外程序的司法承认”等焦点问题发表书面及口头辩论意见。

Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the competition was held online with the discussion centers on cross-border insolvency issues. Both the Appellant and respondent needed to fully express in their submission and oral pleadings based on the facts of the case with various focuses among others on the determination of “COMI”, “establishment”, “forum shopping”“public policy”, “recognition of a foreign proceeding”, etc.


TianTong regards moot courts as one of the three keys to success in litigation. Not only does mooting serve as a necessary part of the preparation for complex commercial disputes, but it is also taken as an important method for TianTong to select potential talents. For interested students who want to practice bankruptcy law, participating in moot courts is an exceptional opportunity for knowledge accumulation and self-expression. As such, TianTong encourages all the students to participate in moot courts with a passion for bankruptcy law.


In recent years, TianTong’s bankruptcy business has developed rapidly. In the future, TianTong will adhere to the values of focus, excellence, openness and innovation. Relying on its profound experience in the field of moot courts, TianTong will promote the development of bankruptcy moot courts in domestic universities, and advocate the concept of bankruptcy law in conformity with the international trends and strive to make contributions to bankruptcy law education and legislative development.


天同诉讼圈 揭秘 | 高大上的国际破产法模拟法庭怎么玩儿


苏洁澈 中国政法大学副教授

殷慧芬 上海政法学院副教授

郭   帅  中国政法大学讲师

池伟宏 北京天同律师事务所合伙人


王心诚 中国政法大学研一

李林倚 中国政法大学研一

周明慧 中国政法大学研一

刘雨辰 中国政法大学大三

王雨琦 中国政法大学研二

