

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-03-20

伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊(中)本月在伊斯兰革命卫队军官的陪同下参观德黑兰一所军事学校。 图片来源:LEADER OFFICE HANDOUT/SHUTTERSTOCK

The Trump administration moved on Friday to further isolate Iran from the global financial system by declaring the country a “jurisdiction of primary money laundering concern.”


The U.S. Treasury and State Departments also launched a new program to address concerns that its “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign is preventing Iran from receiving humanitarian aid even as the economy collapses.



The latest U.S. action forces U.S. banks to scour their foreign business relationships for any transactions with Iran. Requiring deeper due diligence raises the risk that any remaining foreign banks, firms and individuals caught doing business with Iran will face severe sanctions themselves, including being cut off from the world’s most important economy.


The new money-laundering designation is based on U.S. accusations that Iran’s government, including through its central bank, state-controlled companies and banks, and its elite military unit, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, is funneling money to U.S.-designated terror groups.

此举基于美国的指控,即伊朗政府指通过其央行、国有企业、银行及精锐军事组织伊斯兰革命卫队(Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps),向被美国列为恐怖组织的机构输送资金。

“Iran is a jurisdiction of primary money laundering concern that deliberately ensures that there is no transparency in their economy so they can export terrorism around the world,” Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said.

美国财政部长姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)表示:“伊朗是一个面对洗钱问题主要关切的司法管辖区,它故意确保本国经济不透明,以便向全世界输出恐怖主义。”

The U.S.’s European allies and other foreign governments opposed to the Trump administration’s Iran policy have complained the action was also preventing exports of medical supplies and other humanitarian aid allowed by the U.S. An effort by European governments to facilitate humanitarian trade known as Instex failed because businesses feared their activities could trigger U.S. penalties.



The new policy aims to address those concerns by requiring any participants to provide the U.S. government details of all the transactions and to seize any assets found to violate sanctions against banned trade.


Brian Hook, the State Department’s special envoy to Iran, said the new humanitarian channel “will make it easier for foreign governments, financial institutions, and private companies to engage in legitimate humanitarian trade on behalf of the Iranian people while reducing the risk that money ends up in the wrong hands.”

美国国务院伊朗问题特别代表Brian Hook表示,新的人道主义渠道“将使外国政府、金融机构和私营公司更容易为伊朗人民从事合法的人道主义贸易,同时降低资金落入不法之徒手中的风险”。

Iran’s mission to the United Nations didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.



Ian Talley






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