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老母鸡 法律竞赛 2022-10-05




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  三、Index of Authority

引注一般有两种格式,一种是哈佛体(Harvard Style);另一种是脚注式(footnote/endnote Style)。哈佛体我们在写作时不会用,但有可能会在阅读论文中碰到,稍作科普。这种其实就是authority放在括号中:

E.g. The implied condition of merchantable quality does not apply to defects that are pointed out to the buyer before the contract is made (section 16 (2) (a) Sale of Goods Ordinance).

E.g. A manufacturer must take due care in the manufacture of products, and has a duty to do what is reasonable (Donoghue v Stevenson, Grant v Australian Knitting Mills).

其次,关于脚注式,依照jessup官方给的规则, Citations appearing in the Index of Authorities and text or footnotes of the Memorial must include a description of each authority adequate to allow a reasonable reader to identify and locate it in a publication or other source of general availability. 并没有要求某一特定体系,一份memo保证一种引用风格就OK。常见的有OSCOLA(牛津体例)Bluebook(美国小蓝书)。那就上册和大家说OSCOLA,下册说bluebook吧。


附:OSCOLA website: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/research-subject-groups/publications/oscola


1. 一条脚注中间尽量不使用点 “.” 以及把所有双引号都改成单引号

2. 标点符号后都有空格(正文也一样)

    e.g. “p. 7”中的“.” 这个点后面需要空格;

3.同一个脚注中用了不同法源的话,用 “;” 隔开;


  如fact的第一段:Problem, ¶ 1;第一段到第三段:Problem, ¶¶ 1-3;第一段和第三段:Problem, ¶ 1, 3.

5.后一个引用与前一个完全一致:Ibid. (两个脚注挨着时才能使用)


  [1] Statute of the International Court of Justice (adopted 26 June 1945, entered into force 24 October 1945), 33 UNTS 993, Article 38.

  [2] Ibid.



  [1] Statute of the International Court of Justice (adopted 26 June 1945, entered into force 24 October 1945), 33 UNTS 993, Article 38.

  [2] Id, Article 36.


  e.g. The Berlin Rules on Water Resources, ILA, Berlin Conference, 2004, [‘Berlin Rules’] Article 29.

  后面:Berlin Rules, Article 30.

8.Supra note xxx表示完全引用前文的脚注内容

   例如Supra note 34.表示直接引用了第34个脚注,但必须一模一样,你可以理解为Ibid的跨页版本。建议最后几天用这个东西调整一下,否则很有可能你在一开始用了,但是修改中一开始的第34个脚注变成了37这样。

9.一些缩写规则:用vol代表volume, pt代表part, 用ch代表chapter,用para代表paragraph;





2.每份ICJ的案例第二页都会出现“This Judgment should be cited as follows:”“Official citation:”,复制粘贴即可,不同时期的官方引注略有差别。但是“p. 7”以及 “¶140” 为所引法源在多少页的多少段,自己根据实际情况写上去,不能直接复制粘贴“Official citation:”后面的内容;

3.对于只能在线阅读的材料,在引用后,加上网址(用“< >”把网址括起来),并且跟上最后一次访问时间,如‘accessed 1 January 2010’;一般网址应以‘www.’开头,只有在没有这种开头的情况下,才可以适用‘http://’开头。‘http://’;


   e.g. [1] Rules of Court (1978), Feb.1, 2001, PCIJ, Series D, fifth amendment to No. 2, 5th edn., [hereinafter ICJ Rules] article 80(3). (This article indicates that when an objection is raised concerning the admissibility of the counter-claim, the Court shall consider it.);



1.Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary, (8th edn., West Publishing, 2004).


2.Makane Moïse Mbengue, ‘Public Health, International Cooperation’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2010).

马克斯普朗克国际公法百科全书,每年官方都会提供访问账号。引用格式是“作者, ‘标题’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (更新年份).


1. 核心理念

Concise, Succinct, and Powerful

法律英语写作是一种Plain English,它的唯一目的是:简单高效地传递信息。所以虽然我们看ICJ的判例,那些大法官写的云里雾里,但是我们不能这么写。毕竟我们是律师,律师要小心翼翼伺候别人……

改成,Therefore, Reunion bears the state responsibility。

2. 每句话不要超过25个字


少用从句,尽量拆分来写。少用名词性从句,尤其是the fact that。




E.g. In a trial by jury, the court may, when the convenience of witnesses or the ends of justice would be promoted thereby, make an order, no later than the close of the pretrial conferences, that the trial of the issue of liability shall precede the trial of any other issue in the case.



where: In a trial by jury

who: the court

does what: may make an order that the trial of the issue of liability shall precede the trial of any other issue in the case

why: when the convenience of witnesses or the ends of justice would be promoted thereby

when: no later than the close of the pretrial conferences


(where, who, does what, why): In a jury trial, to promote the convenience of witnesses or the ends of justice, the court may order the issue of liability tried first.

(when): The order must be made before the close of the pretrial conferences.



3. 抓住核心结构——少用被动语态


E.g. There are several procedures involved, which, if there is to be an increase in corporate income, must be carefully followed.

把这个句子拿个一个初中生看,ta会迅速指出句子的核心结构是——There are procedures!那么,这句话主要想表达的难道是“这世界上有一些程序吗”。如果翻译过来的话,你肯定也会调整句式,翻译成,“公司收入有所增加时,必须严格遵循相应程序。” 所以这句话的主要信息是:必须严格遵循相应程序。什么时候遵循?公司收入有所增加时。



因此,可以改写如下:Several procedures must be carefully followed to increase corporate income.

但是,注意这里它其实使用了一个被动语态。但是我们强调的是少用被动语态原则,不过,有原则就一定有例外。例外就是:当且仅当使用被动语态可以更高效的传递信息的时候,我们使用被动语态。为什么说少用被动呢?例如:These acts can be attributed to Algeria. 改成,Algeria can responsible for these acts.



e.g. The street was crossed by Xiao Ming. 马路被小明穿过。


e.g. Xiao Ming crossed the street. 小明穿过马路。

被动语态的最大问题在于作者倾向于忽略了actor(e.g.,“路被穿过”)。恰到好处的法律写作艺术在于表达“who the actor is”。此外,我们通常将actor优先于action考虑。因此,要尽量使用主动语态。



The Director may, in accordance with the procedures set forth in part 104 of this chapter, take action against counsel for improper conduct in the course of an investigation.

可以改为: The Director may take action against counsel for improper conduct in the course of an investigation. Procedures are in part 104 of this chapter.



(2)所有表示“国家”这一意思的State一词都要首字母大写;同样要受字母大写的还有指代ICJ的the Court;以及表示国家作为条约一方的Party;提及自己和对方的Applicant和Respondent;

(3)在表明结论或者提出诉求的时候,切勿使用I think以及任何类似的非正式语言。提出诉求的标准说法是we submit that或者Applicant/Respondent(或者国家名)submits that。包括你不能用第一人称单数,因为你代表的是一个国家而不是你自己;


e.g. In the present case, Ranovstayo adopted an unlawful entry regulation and applied it to Aprepluya, which violated Ranovstayo’s obligations under WHO Constitution and IHR, namely (a) Ranovstayo set excessive restrictions to Aprepluya; (b) the entry regulation was scientifically insufficient; (c) Ranovstayo breached its obligations of cooperation.


1. 阐述目前法律对于以上提出问题的规则,这些规则可能来自成文法规定(statute),法规(regulations),或者是案例法:

According to...

Pursuant to...

Subject to...

In accordance with...

In compliance with...

Under Haley v London Electricity Board,...

Section 16(2)(a) CISG provides that,


2. 法院对这个问题看法如下:The Courts has defined……as follows

P.s. The Court 表示专门法法院,如ICJ的看法,这里的the不能省略

3. On these facts


On the abovementioned grounds

As was proven supra,


On the basis of…

1) In this case

2) On these facts.

3) Here,

5) It follows that in these circumstances

6) Therefore/Thus/Hence, in the present case

7) Applying the law to the present facts/case.

8) With regard to the current situation

9) In this scenario

10) Turning to the facts at hand


4.禁止使用或者少用:relevant,the fact that..., wouldn't等缩写;尤其don’t这类缩写要写成do not,唯一可以用(’)的时候是表示所有格;

5. 法律文件中大量像therein(在其中)、thereinafter(在下文中)、 thereof(其)、thereto(附随)、herewith(与此一道)等词汇中,其实都是由here/there/where等表示方位的副词与in/after/in/of/with等介词连在一起构成的古旧英语。按照in there, after there, with here, as where来理解翻译就好。


(1) have the right to do

(2) be entitled to do

7.“包括但不限于”的表达:“including but not limited to”


(1) have the obligation to do

(2) be obliged to do

(3) be liable/responsible to do


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