
追忆史蒂芬·温伯格 | 特邀撰稿:戴自海教授

戴自海 数理人文 2021-07-26
作者:戴自海(Henry Tye)教授生于上海,在香港长大,是著名理论物理学家;在基本粒子物理和宇宙学领域作出了多项杰出贡献, 他是暴胀宇宙论的创始人之一,并且首次提出关于超弦散射振幅著名的 KLT(Kawai-Lewellen-Tye)关系;他是香港科技大学赛马会高等研究院首任院长,康奈尔大学 Horace White 讲席教授,美国物理学会会士。

2021 年 7 月 24 日(北京时间),当代最伟大的物理学家之一史蒂芬·温伯格(Steven Weinberg)教授在美国逝世,享年 88 岁。为表达哀思与纪念,本刊特别邀请戴自海教授撰文缅怀哲人。本文刊登于《数理人文》(公众号:math_hmat),未经许可,不得转载。

Remembering Steven Weinberg


Steven Weinberg (1933--2021)

照片来源:M Valentine

I am saddened by the news of the passing of Steven Weinberg. Steve is unquestionably one of the greatest theoretical physicists of all times. I will reminisce on my personal interactions with him, and how they positively influenced my research.


I went to MIT in 1970 to start my Ph.D. study. While there, I had the great fortune of attending Steve's course on cosmology around the time when he wrote the textbook "Gravitation and Cosmology". Unfortunately, I did not get much out of the course as I did not have enough background at the time.

1970 年,我到麻省理工学院攻读博士。在那⾥我有幸聆听了史蒂夫亲授的宇宙学。彼时,他完成了教科书《引⼒和宇宙学》的写作。可惜的是,当时的我并没有⾜够的背景知识来掌握课程的所有内容。

As a way to find out what the professors at the Center of Theoretical Physics (CTP) at MIT were working on, I went to the preprint/reprint room in CTP to browse around. There were a few unopened packages. I opened one of them which contained a stack of reprints of Steve's 1967 paper "A Model of Leptons". liked the paper's simplicity and elegance (I still have a copy of the reprint). However, that paper was so ahead of its time that it drew almost no attention even in 1970. Then when 't Hooft's 1971 paper showing the consistency of the theory that Steve's model is based on, all of a sudden, everything changed. Later, Steve moved to Harvard and I lost my chance to work with him.

为了了解麻省理⼯学院理论物理中⼼(CTP)的教授们当前的研究工作,我去了 CTP 的预印本/重印本室浏览,发现有⼏个未开封的包裹。我打开其中⼀个,⾥⾯有⼀堆史蒂夫 1967 年论⽂《轻⼦模型》的重印本。我很欣赏那篇论⽂的简洁和优雅(我至今仍保留一份重印本)。然⽽,那篇论⽂太超前了,即使在 1970 年也⼏乎没有引起⼈们的注意。直到 1971 年, 't Hooft 的论⽂揭示了史蒂夫模型所基于的理论自洽性时,顿时豁然开朗。后来,史蒂夫去了哈佛,我失去了和他⼀起⼯作的机会。

Our next interaction occurred around 1976, while I was a postdoc at SLAC. Steve happened to be taking his sabbatical at Stanford Physics department, so he came to SLAC quite often. I wrote a paper with fellow postdoc Tom DeGrand and Jack Ng on finding gluon jet as proof of QCD. Steve came to talk to me about our work. He was not happy with our treatment of the gluon jets and he wanted to approach it differently, but I did not understand his concerns and missed the opportunity to follow his instincts with him. Later, he and George Sterman wrote the classic paper on jets, putting the idea on firm ground.

1976 年左右,我在斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)做博士后期间与史蒂夫再⼀次相遇。因为彼时史蒂夫正在斯坦福物理系学术休假,所以他经常来 SLAC。当时我与博⼠后同事 Tom DeGrand 和 Jack Ng 写了⼀篇⽂章讨论通过找到胶子喷注来验证量⼦⾊动⼒学(QCD),史蒂夫过来与我讨论我们的这个研究。他对我们处理该问题的⽅法感到不满意,觉得应该使⽤另⼀个思路,可惜我当时并没有理解他的考虑,因而错失了跟随他的直觉的机会。后来,他和 George Sterman 写了关于胶子喷注的经典文章,将这个想法置于坚实的基础之上。

By then, I was wise enough to follow every paper by Steve. During that time, he also discovered the axion. As soon as I moved to Fermilab, Bill Bardeen and I immediately dug into the axion properties and obtained some fruitful results.

从此以后,我变得足够明智,对于史蒂夫的每篇论文都给与关注。在此期间,他还发现了轴⼦。我刚到费⽶实验室工作,Bill Bardeen 和我立即深入研究轴⼦的性质,并取得了⼀些丰硕的成果。


By 1978, Alan Guth and I were fellow research associates at Cornell. Steve wrote a paper on applying particle physics to cosmology, in particular grand uni ed theory (GUT) on the matter-antimatter asymmetry. His paper prompted me to examine monopoles (another GUT property) in cosmology. Since Alan knew monopoles, I went to him. However, Alan was skeptical about cosmology. Then Steve came and gave a talk on how matter-antimatter asymmetry can link GUT to cosmology. This talk convinced Alan that it was actually legitimate for particle physicists to work on cosmology. I brought in Steve's popular science book "The First Three Minutes" and my collaboration with Alan took off.

1978 年,我与 Alan Guth 都是康奈尔大学的副研究员。史蒂夫写了⼀篇关于在宇宙学中应⽤粒⼦物理的⽂章,特别提到了⼤⼀统理论(GUT)在物质与反物质不对称问题上的应用,使得我去仔细考虑宇宙学中的磁单极⼦问题。Alan 很了解磁单极⼦,所以我找他讨论,但是当时他对宇宙学存有疑虑。后来史蒂夫来康奈尔给了⼀个报告,关于为何物质与反物质不对称问题可以将⼤⼀统理论和宇宙学联系在⼀起,这个讲座使得 Alan 相信粒⼦物理学家做宇宙学研究是完全可⾏的。我带去了史蒂夫的科普书《最初三分钟》,Alan 与我的合作就此开始。

Years later, Steve came to Cornell again with his wife Louise (both Cornell alums) for a visit and we had a great time. Unbeknownst to me, it was also his birthday which I found out only the next day from my wife who befriended Louise. To this day, I still regret that we missed the opportunity to celebrate his birthday on the perfect occasion of his visit to his alma mater.

多年后,史蒂夫携夫⼈ Louise ⼜来到了康奈尔访问 (两⼈都是康奈尔校友),我们共度了愉快的时光。Louise 由我夫⼈接待,我第⼆天才从夫⼈⼝中得知那天是史蒂夫的⽣⽇。直到今天,我仍然对错失在他回访⺟校的时刻来庆祝他⽣⽇的良机感到遗憾。

—— Henry Tye (戴自海)2021.07.24


1. 丘成桐院士、王贻芳院士缅怀史蒂芬·温伯格教授

2. 旧文重读 | 史蒂芬·温伯格给科学家的四则金玉良言

3. 戴自海:粒子物理学发展的绝妙契机

4. 港科大高等研究院戴自海:补充给“巨型粒子对撞机在中国”的讨论

5. Steven Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity (1972). 中文版:《引力和宇宙学:广义相对论的原理和应用》 (2018).


© International Press of Boston


