

2017-10-23 张振安 临时仲裁ADA














































Shanghai court asked to set aside award for res judicata

04 October 2017 Shanghai

Following three arbitrations spanning 10 years, a German investor in a Chinese shopping mall has applied to a Shanghai court to set aside an award of the local arbitral commission on the grounds that it contradicts an earlier award in the same dispute.

The global real estate investor confirmed through its in house counsel that it filed a set aside application with the Shanghai No 2 Intermediate People's Court in June in relation to a US$33 million award issued against it the month before. The investor is represented in the arbitration by a team from Fangda Partners and prefers to remain anonymous while court proceedings are going on.

The award that the investor wants set aside was issued by a majority tribunal at the Shanghai International Arbitration Commission - SHIAC - and was in favourof a Shanghai real estate developer. Based on documents it has seen, GAR understands that the investor will argue in court that the award is in itself "preposterous" - including damages for 40 years of taxes amounting toUS$28 million - and contradicts an earlier SHIAC award issued by a different tribunal in December 2013 in relation to the same dispute.


That previous award was in favour of the German investor and ordered the Shanghai developer to pay US$30 million. The developer applied to set aside the award but the application was dismissed by the Shanghai No 2 Intermediate People's Court following a reference to China's Supreme People's Court. The Supreme People Court's "reply" to the reference was subsequently cited in its official guidance on the "trial of foreign-related commercial and maritime cases". 

The investor will argue in court that the two arbitrations involved opposite claims but identical parties and identical issues in dispute - making the later award in violation of the principles of res judicata and the finaland binding nature of arbitration under Chinese law. 

The investor will also highlight how the award was issued by an all-Chinese tribunal presided over by a retired Shanghai judge, despite efforts it says it made to secure an international mix of arbitrators.

A collapsed shopping mall deal

In 2005, ‎the German investor agreed to buy a shopping mall from the Shanghai developer and its Hong Kong parent company for US$105 million. The parties agreed that the Chinese developer would continue to manage the mall for six years, with net profits of US$44 million guaranteed.

The agreed transaction involved the transfer of the mall from the Hong Kong parent company to the Shanghai developer; an "exclusivity period" of six months during which the German investor would set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Shanghai in line with the requirements of local authorities; and a further transfer from the Shanghai company to the subsidiary.

But three days before the expiry of the exclusivity period, the German investor was told by the Shanghai developer that the deal was off.

At the time, Shanghai real estate prices were rocketing and the German investor attributes the developer's decision to a sudden refinancing which gave it greater bargaining power. The developer denies this, saying that refinancing did not release it from financial pressure.

Three arbitrations

Following failed attempts at settlement, the Shanghai developer and German investor both began arbitrations, in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The Shanghai developer based its claims on the sale and purchase contract, while the German investor and its Shanghai subsidiary invoked a wider framework agreement between the parties and sought continued performance of the contract.

The cases were filed with the Shanghai branch of China's main arbitration provider, CIETAC, which broke away in 2012 and became SHIAC.

In both cases, the arbitrators nominated by the parties were the same and the same presiding arbitrator was appointed by the institution, Yuqing Zhang.The proceedings were heard at the same time in Shanghai.


But in 2009, after just two hearings,the Shanghai developer withdrew the first case. It subsequently filed and withdrew a counterclaim in the second case before starting a third arbitrationin reliance on the sale and purchase contract.

GAR understand the German investor raised the concern that the third case was duplicative from the outset but complied with SHIAC's invitation to appoint an arbitrator without prejudice to its rights to object to the procedure at a later stage.‎However, to avoid potentially conflicting awards and ensure efficiency of proceedings, it argued that SHIAC should appoint an arbitrator from the first and second cases as presiding arbitrator - or in any event someone from a country other than China or Germany. The arbitrator should definitely not be from Shanghai, the investor said. 

SHIAC, however, appointed a retired judge from Shanghai as president. 

What next?

With regard to the pending set aside application, the German investor's in-house counsel tells GAR he is concerned that "the shadow of local protectionism" will continue and that the Shanghai court will reject the request without referring it to a higher court. Under Chinese law, such references need only be made if an award is set aside, he notes.

Counsel to the Shanghai developer, from Shanghai Jua Chuang Run Hua Law Office, did not respond to a request for comment on the case or an invitation to give an alternative version of events. GAR understands the tribunal in the later case devoted a large part of the award to explaining why it did not find the two cases identical. The award was scrutinised and approved by SHIAC,as all its awards are. 

In 2016, SHIAC was given the GAR Guide to Regional Arbitation award for an institution that impressed, based on its performance in administering disputes and its launch of special centres to handle China-Africa disputes,disputes from BRICs countries and disputes in the aviation sector. 





